Prepare For Your Bridegroom

Come forth my people, come forth in triumph.
Your Bridegroom is at hand.

The time you have been waiting for is nigh - even at the door.

Prepare yourselves for the one whom you have long awaited.

Our Wedding Chamber is complete, the invitations has been sent.

I await my love, My beautiful Bride.
I long for the time when we will be as one.

Complete your preparation - watch and wait.
Listen for my voice.

The banquet is set - Now all that is left is for my Father to say,
"Go get your Bride".

Await my love, await.

I will come and receive you to myself.
I long for our appointed time.

Listen for the Final Shofar !

I am coming back for you !

Await my Bride, await .

Sharon Boaz Feb 5, 2000 11:00 A.M.

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