“Prophecy Over Phoenix”
Prophetic Word by Cindy Jacobs 1/8/2000
(Excerpts from The Greater Phoenix Prayer Network Breakfast)

I believe for South Phoenix. I believe that the Holy Spirit is going to poor out a mighty outpouring of His power in South Phoenix and there will be a day if we pray that South Phoenix will be the safest place to walk in this whole valley of the sun area. God is a God of justice. He has heard the cries of the pastors in South Phoenix who have labored and labored, and have seen just a little fruit, but have been faithful year after year.

I believe there'll be a day like we saw in the revivals of Argentina, that the harvest grew so high that we couldn't see the fences anymore, that we were just trying to bring in the harvest. That the Methodist Church was saying to those they'd won we don't have room now, but how about you Baptists taking them and the Nazarenes and the Plymouth Brethren. God is truly making us one.

God is moving. There are 30 states that have had statewide solemn assemblies to repent for the state. And God is so moving. We're going to have a revival in this nation, but we are in a great battle for the soul of this land.

We're issuing a proclamation of renunciation of free masonry that we have worked in conjunction with Jeremiah projects and we are going to ask everyone who either has people in their family line who have been in free masonry, or are in free masonry, to renounce it and sign a proclamation of renunciation. Some of you may know that in Charles Finney's revival, this was a hallmark of revival. He would give altar calls for people to come forward and renounce free masonry and he wrote a whole book talking about free masonry as idolatry. Some of you pastors might want to get it. It's an amazing book and it's a very little known fact that Finney did that, that was a hallmark of revival. In talking with some of the major Christian leaders in the land, I believe that it is time to do this. So you can imagine the battle that we're in to do this kind of thing and to be boldly stepping up to the plate and be saying, "We are going to see this idolatry stopped in this nation. It's time that we call idolatry, idolatry. It's time that we stand up and call sin, sin."

And the second thing . I know that there's a great history of anti-Semitism in this valley, do you know that? I mean there were times when Jews could not be members of the country clubs here. And so, we are believing God and we have written in conjunction with the Jerusalem II counsel which is a coalition of Messianic Jewish leaders. We have written a proclamation of repentance for what the United States did during WWII in hiding the holocaust. And we're asking that it be taken to every synagogue of America. We are going to meet either at the Israeli embassy this week or the holocaust museum in Washington D.C. and we are going to humble ourselves. I have talked to senators and ask that they bring this before the senate of the United States to pass an official proclamation of repentance for our sinfulness. It was wicked what we did. We knew at least two years of the holocaust. We turned away the S.S. St. Louis, you may know that history, in New York harbor and we wouldn't even take the children of the Jews that came in that ship that escaped. Very few survived. I think maybe just a couple of children.

Such wonderful things are happening in Washington D.C. 150 some odd prayer groups and Bible studies are meeting on the Hill. God is moving, but as I said, we are in an horrific war. Vampirism is becoming rampant in this nation. Wicca, witchcraft is the fastest growing religion of America. We are becoming a neo-pagan nation. The occult has infused this nation. It is no longer considered deviant behavior. It is considered normative. It is time for the church to be the church. I believe there will be a day witchcraft will be illegal in America, just like in the Bible. I have a friend, Dr. Kingsley Fletcher who is a king over 2 million people in Ghana and the first thing he did when he became king was to declare witchcraft an idolatry, illegal in his kingdom. That happened in August. The first time we know in modern history that that has happened.

Phoenix and Arizona is known as one of the New Age capitols of the nation. That can change. Sedona can see a great and mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Flagstaff. God wants to pour His Spirit out upon Flagstaff. And it won't have the New Age shops and things like that. God wants to move, but He wants us to believe He can move, because without faith it is impossible to please God.

When the prophets met at the beginning of Dec. again to issue a prophetic word, one of things the Holy Spirit spoke to us was about a mighty youth revival that is going to pour out. And I believe for the Valley of the Son that God wants to pour out His Spirit upon the youth, and upon the schools in such a mighty way that people will be astounded at the Glory of God. And the millennial generation, the young children, God spoke to us that there were "Samuels" being born. There was a Samuel generation of 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 5-year-olds that are so prophetic that even from tiny children they're going to prophesy and hear the word of the Lord. It's an unusual generation, such as the earth has never seen. These young children, they'll come up to you and say, "Mom, I saw an angel and they think you're crazy because you can't see it. And so God is moving and the Lord spoke to us that this is a generation that will hear the voice of God.

The Lord has really impressed me that we're in the "Third Day Church." This new millennium is a third day church. And 2 Peter 3:8 says this, "But Beloved do not forget this one thing that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." And so, I think it's not a stretch to say that we're now in the third millennium or the third day church. And so, being curious what the Bible says about the third day; what happened on the third day, I felt that the Lord was saying to me, there's revelation for us if we will look in Scripture for what happened on the third day.

I found a whole list of Scriptures of things that happened on the third day. But first of all, the third day of creation, Gen. 1:9-13, on the third day of creation, everything produced after its own kind. And I felt, what would that mean? I was praying about it and I felt the Holy Spirit speak this to me, and you can see if it ministers to your heart, that the third day church, this new millennium is going to be a time of great fruitfulness. Barrenness is going to be broken off the church. We're going to see harvest. We're going to produce after our own kind. We're going to be soul winners. We're going to love the lost. The gift of evangelism is going to pour out on the church and we're not going to go into restaurants and just see people as people, but we're going to care about their souls.

I want to tell you what I feel here. God is getting ready to do something here and barrenness is going to be broken off the Valley of the Son. One of the things the Holy Spirit spoke to me is the transitory spirit is going to be broken off the Valley of the Sun. People aren't going to be hopping around church to church. They're not going to be moving in and out. They're going to stay and they're going plant. God is going to cause the people of God and even this city to be the planting of the Lord. The whole climate of the city will change if you will continue and not relax.

On the third day Abraham sacrificed Isaac, a new spirit of sacrifice is going to come on the church, especially in the area of giving, financial breakthroughs are going to happen.

Another thing is the temple was completed on the third day. Ezra 6:15. The Lord spoke to me that there is some of you that have been trying to build church buildings and you've had them on the drawing board and you've been believing for it. The Lord spoke to me and He said, "Completeness is coming." That there's going to be such faith and finance poured out. You get those plans back out; some of you haven't looked at them for awhile. You believe God. Because there is an anointing to build coming upon this city. You're going to have the faith for it. Some of you the Lord has been showing me, that your people have fought you. You've been trying to tell them, "We need to build." But they just haven't been walking with you. But God is going to do a new thing...

Esther, in the fifth chapter, it says that Esther found favor with the king. She went in before the king. When? On the third day. A new release of women. God is going to release women in many, many areas of ministry.

Turn to Isaiah 35. Isaiah 35, I believe, is a prophetic passage for this valley. As I have looked at this passage, the Holy Spirit has begun speaking to me about some different parts of this passage. It says, "Be strong, do not fear and so forth, He will come and save you." The exciting thing is, as I have talked to people in the Body of Christ, '99 was a really hard year. Was '99 a hard year for anyone besides me? And I believe that in Rev. 12, it talks about that the devil has come down with great wrath knowing that his time is short. And I believe that '99 was a year when Satan tried to discourage our soul. Family things, splits in churches, divorces, relational problems, sabotage, betrayals. I don't know how many calls I got from pastors in large churches just saying, "I feel like I'm going to quit. I just want to give up. I am so weary with what I have to put up with on a daily basis." And so, maybe you're even going through that now. But in my experience, Satan has tried to pour everything out on me right before a major breakthrough. When I have suffered the most, when things have been the darkest for me, it was because the Holy Spirit was about to do something enormous. And because the city is going to have a visitation and the whole valley, God is getting ready, I tell you when I say this. Do you feel any stirring in your heart? I mean, I feel like I want to weep. I want to weep with you for joy that the desert is going to bloom like a rose. You haven't been beating your head against a wall for nothing...

And so, it says, "He will come and save you." And verse 5, "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped," and so forth, and I wrote in my notes, "This will be a valley of miracle anointing." In the third day church, what did Jesus say, "I'm going rise again on the third day." Resurrection power. And I believe that one of the hallmarks of this move of God - boy, I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit right now will be the raising of the dead. You know, we haven't seen that in America very much. We've seen it in the third world countries quite a bit, but we have not seen that here in America. I am praying on a regular basis, "Lord, give me the anointing to raise the dead." The Bible says, "You have not because you ask not." In Argentina, they fervently pray every week, their intercessors pray for miracles for the next Sunday. "Lord, give us miracles!" The children pray for miracles. We're not fervent. No wonder we don't see it. Amen?

When God does it, He just kind of interrupts things. I know that when I was preaching in Pakistan, right in the middle of this worship service, this beggar who couldn't walk, had dragged himself to the meeting, ran out of the crowd and he was totally healed! He said, "I have to tell you something. I'm a Muslim, but I am healed!" And he became born again. See, when the Holy Spirit starts moving, God just interrupts things. He says, "You've asked Me; I have come." You see? And so, God wants to do that. Don't be discouraged. Look at how many people are praying. Something collective is happening here. The body is crying out to the Lord. I just see a picture of the Body of Christ in Phoenix. You're groaning. I'm talking about us crying out in our hearts, "God don't pass Phoenix by, don't pass the Valley of the Son, don't pass Tempe, Glendale, all these cities. God, we need You. We need Your presence here." And He will do it. So, I want to encourage you in the prayer movement here. You're not praying in vain.

"The parched land shall become a pool and thirsty land, springs of water." The Lord showed me new lakes will be built. God told me this on the plane when I was flying in and I wrote it down. The Lord showed me about deep water being built. And it's going to be a prophetic sign that the parched land shall become a pool. And before that it says, "Water shall burst forth in the wilderness." You see Tempe town lake. But the Lord showed me it was further out than that, past Tempe that there were more lakes going to be built. God is showing you He's hearing your prayers. God is going to you know, that could actually change the climate of the Valley of the Son? All that water, do you know that? It can! Because you get those large bodies of water and you find it's not so dry anymore. The land can be healed. It can be healed.

"A highway shall be there and a road and it shall be called the Highway of holiness." I wrote, "The city will expand so much, new highways will be built." And I wrote, "There will be revival along this new highway." So, I don't know where the churches are, where they're going to build that new highway. The 101.

The Lord also showed me walking paths in the city are going to be built, where people can walk. Do you have any walking paths? Is that in planning stages? O.K., well the Lord showed me that and He said, "That's for prayer walking." I also wrote down, "People will ride horses to pray."

But hearkening back to the word the Lord gave me about the malls. How many of you have prayed in a mall? Could I see your hands? Wow! Some of you may have seen the reports. What mall did they find the guys with the semi-automatic weapons? Scottsdale Fashion Square. And Paradise Valley they arrested a guy who was armed. That was one of the specific words, about Paradise Valley. I didn't even know there was a mall there. You see, I don't know how I get this stuff. Anyway, I absolutely believe great violence has been averted. That you didn't have to learn like Columbine. But don't relax. O.K., don't relax. The Lord really spoke to me, "That because you have prayed with such strength, that Satan would still like to get in there." So, don't relax when you're praying, please. You just press in more. But I do believe that you would have had a massacre at one of your malls if that hadn't happened. I absolutely believe that. Too many people had seen the same thing.

I felt like the next thing the Lord said to do is to focus on the gangs by name. And start giving to them. Be bold. I saw a banner that said, "Gang free city." Can you imagine that? Even the city of Colorado Springs has about 300 gangs, that have moved in the last six years from L.A. And so, what is happening is that those gangs are being exported to cities. They called our city a "virgin city," kind of more of a drug free city. So, you've got to stand and pray. Make a list of them. And they'll be a day, you'll start checking them off. No longer exist. No longer exist. Revival.

The Lord spoke to me that Phoenix, the Valley of the Sun will be called the model city. The model city. And I'm talking about the secular government. People will come in to study the city government because there's going to be a mighty move of the Holy Spirit among the Daniels, governmental leaders. God is going to pour His Spirit out, if you will pray regularly for the city government, the city council of your city. And you'll see the hunger come up in civic leaders. We've seen it in city after city where they ask for prayer. The model city. Miracle anointing. Gang-free city.

The Lord spoke to me that you need to pray for Moon Valley High School. I don't know anything about Moon Valley. I don't know why but that is a school you need to particularly pray for. We've got to pray over our children. I'm telling you because we're pressing in, you must pray for each other's children. I would encourage you, maybe in this city to have a Weds. morning fast for the city.

Does anyone live in Cave Creek? The Lord spoke to me, that there's going to be a revival in Cave Creek. So you keep praying. God is going to move in a powerful way in Cave Creek. I do feel that there's many influential people that God has moved to the Cave Creek area, sovereignly He's like captured them there for this revival. And so, that there's going to be a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. Pray for Cave Creek.

Also ASU. The Lord spoke to me about a revival on the ASU campus. I had a vision of the Fiesta Bowl filled with revival. And if we have a revival at ASU, it could affect every college campus in America. Go prayer walking in the bookstores. You'll be shocked at what the kids are buying. You will be just shocked.

"But the redeemed shall walk there." I believe that this Valley of the Sun is going to be known for its prayer walking. You know, that this will be one of the most walked over areas, if I can put it like that. "The ransomed of the Lord shall return...sorrow and sighing will flee away." I felt like a major key to breaking the powers of darkness over the city was worship. And I want to challenge you, I don't know who would do it or facilitate it, but to have 40 days of praise around the clock. You might consider having 40 days what we did was we had people praise in their homes all around the city. We had 12 major times of praise at the World Prayer Center and it was during that time that the Columbine shooting happened and our city was protected. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this occult spirit that has gotten into Phoenix was really broken during that time?

Business leaders' revival. The Lord clearly showed me that there was going to be a revival in the marketplace. CEO's of companies, people that own their own businesses. With this business leaders' revival, it's going to be a great release of the wealth of the sinner laid up for the righteous. The Lord showed me that there is a lot of finance in the Valley of the Sun that is heaped up and not being used for the Gospel. But God is calling people to pastor their industries. When my husband worked at American Airlines, he was the pastor. Everybody came to him for prayer. And we really didn't know what was happening. But he was pastoring that industry. So pastors, we need to make room for the business leaders and we need to welcome them and learn how to interface. I saw a revival in this nation that would see K-Marts have prayer groups in them. McDonalds, that they would stop once a week and pray during lunch. When it hits that grassroots level, it will shake this nation. God wants us to think a whole different way than we ever have thought before. Amen?